Mod Podge Rustic Candy Jar

Hi Pals! It was like Christmas in June when I recieved this GIANT box of goodness from Plaid’s Mod Podge Brand. It was a seriously smorgasboard of crafty product delight! And I couldn't wait to dig in and create something. By the way, these fantastic products are also available in a variety of craft stores including Michaels. Let's get closer for a better look…

Modge Podge Box

I was so thrilled to use some of these fabuous new products– especially the Podgeables and the Mod Podge Formulas.

Mod Podge Product Collage

I grabbed the Mod Podge Craft Mat, Mod Podge 7 Piece Tool Kit, 2 types of Mod Podge Podgeable Papers (Nature and Romance), Modge Podge Podgeable Shapes (Designer Shapes), Mod Podge and Mod Podge Super Gloss… and a snippet of ribbon and a formerly used glass jam jar– just waiting to be podged. It was all used to make a Mod Podge Rustic Candy Jar.Mod Podge Rustic Candy Jar

This project is simple and fun too! First I used my sharp scissors from the Mod Podge 7 Piece Tool Kit to cut a shape out (notice I used my handy dandy mat to work on). I also grabbed a correcponding shape from the Podgeable Designer Shapes.

Mod Podge Project 1

Podged the paper and shape together…

Mod Podge Product 2

 Then used this tool to get the air out and get good adhersion.

Mod Podge Product 3

Then I grabbed my jam jar lid and a piece of Podgeable Paper from the Romance pack.

Mod Podge Product 4

I got a feel for how much paper I'd need for the lid and the rim.

Mod Podge Product 5

And used the other set of scissors from the tool set to cut it out and cut "notches" in for the rim.

Mod Podge Product 6

Podged that paper on again…

Mod Podge Product 7

And voila'… a cute lid to be embellished.

Mod Podge Product 8

I selected a few other pieces from the Podgeable Papers and had a blast playing with their placement.

Mod Podge Product 9

Then I added a coat of Mod Podge Super Gloss to give it some shine.

Mod Podge Product 10

And then I added the Podgeable Shape to the lid.

Mod Podge Product 14

The finishing touch was scrap of ribbon and some pretty candy.

Mod Podge Product 12

This was the simplest project to put together and it would make a great end of the year gift for teachers or a hostess present.

Mod Podge Product 13

There's more fun to be had with Plaid!

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Disclosure: I wrote this post as part of a paid campaign with Plaid Crafts and Blueprint Social. The opinions in the post are all my own.

Thank you Plaid Crafts and Blueprint Social!

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  1. That certainly would be like Christmas! I just got the glossy Mod Podge and it’s not my favorite. I went back to the Matte formula, my old standby.

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