DIY Cute Button Hair Elastics

 DIY Cute Button Hair Elastics

DIY Hair Ties

These pretty hair elastics are everywhere but it wasn’t until I was at my favorite craft store that I realized all the bright and cheery hues that the elastics came in… and was inspired to make DIY Cute Button Elastics myself!

DIY Hair Ties

Supplies: Elastic, matches, fabric, Dritz Craft Cover Button Kit, scissors and a pencil. I got the idea for this project and all the supplies at Ben Franklin Crafts and Frames.

DIY Hair Ties

 Cut elastic into 9″ pieces

Light a match and “singe” the edges to keep them from fraying. “Singe” is too strong a word, but basically light the match and put the match close enough to the elastic to make it melt a little

To Make Fabric Covered Buttons:

DIY Hair Ties

Put the template on the fabric and trace the outline of the part you want to show

DIY Hair Ties

Cut the fabric out (it’s ok if it doesn’t look perfect, no one will ever see the edges)

DIY Hair Ties

Place the fabric wrong side up on top of the mold and press the button shell into the mold

DIY Hair Ties

Tuck the fabric into the shell

DIY Hair Ties

Put a back over the tucked fabric and press down with pusher to snap it into place

DIY Hair Ties

 Warning… once you start making buttons it will be tough to stop!

DIY Hair Ties

Run elastic through back of button and make a knot

DIY Hair Ties

 They are super fun to make!

DIY Hair Ties

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  1. I have some of those elastics just waiting to be used…I was thinking headbands, but since my daughter goes through hair ties so fas, maybe this is it!?!?! Are they really better than plain old hair bands? (just curious…)
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