For Cinqo de Mayo: Mango-Avocado Bruschetta

In honor of Cinqo de Mayo–  here's a fun app to go with those Coronas and margaritas. I made these when our friends Meredith and Nik came over for dinner recently and we gobbled them up.

Mango-avacado bruschetta 

Ingredients: 2 tablespoon(s) Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, plus more for pan and avocado, 1  Avocado, thinly sliced, 1  Mango, diced 3 tablespoon(s) Diced Red Onion, 2 tablespoon(s) Fresh Lime Juice, 2 tablespoon(s) Diced Red Bell Pepper, 1 tablespoon(s) Chopped Fresh Cilantro, 1 clove(s) Garlic, finely chopped, Sea Salt, Freshly Ground Pepper, 1 small Baguette, cut into 16 slices


Heat a grill pan over medium-high heat and brush pan and avocado slices with oil. Grill avocado until just charred, about 1 minute per side. Cut into 1/4-inch pieces.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. In a medium bowl, mix avocado, mango, onion, lime juice, bell pepper, cilantro, garlic, and 2 tablespoons olive oil. Season with salt and pepper.

Brush both sides of bread slices with olive oil. Toast on a baking sheet until golden, 4 minutes, flipping bread halfway through. Serve toasts topped with mango-avocado mixture.

Serves: 8/Yields: 16 bruschetta

 Idea source: May 2011 Country Living. For a printable recipe visit Country Living.



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  1. Thanks for linking this up. Hope it’s ok with you that I switched it to the previous party linky since it was linked up under slow cooker recipes. Thanks :-)

  2. Malia, thank you so much for linking up your recipe to “A Little Birdie Told Me…” The flavors of the mango and avocado are so perfect together. Your bruschetta is the perfect appetizer for summer entertaining!

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