Vintage Finds: So Fond of Retro Fisher Price

Do you have a special fond memory of a certain childhood toy? Of course you do! Me too. I can recall endless hours spent playing on my bedroom floor with a Fisher Price Little Schoolhouse. You know the one– bright red, and happily decorated with images of kids and a dog… made of plastic that folded open with a hinge and had a little bell on top (so you could ring it and let everyone know it was time for school).


So when I saw this at a thrift store last month I JUMPED ON IT. My inner bargainista was knitting her brows at me but I checked on Ebay– it was actually a pretty good price. I think it was $25 for the whole deal including a bunch of cars, furniture and people. The bottom says Fisher Price 1969– it's even older than me!  Fisher-price-schoolhouse-interior

How cute is the teacher/grandma. The set came with some of the wooden people and some teeny tiny people.


Gotta love this little scowler! Who doesn't feel like this some days? One wall of the schoolhouse becomes a chalkboard. So fun.


These are the teeny tiny Little People that came with the set. I don't think they were originally sold with it.

Anyway, Mia and I have been having a blast with it. AND THEN, TODAY… my little thrifter and I went to the Phinney Ridge Neighborhood Gargage Sale. And you won't believe what we scored for $5… we bought a house!

 It was right there. ripe for the pickin'… on a table with some other toys. It also says "Fisher Price 1969" on the bottom. I was SO flipping excited! Not only did we score the Tudor-style house, which is in pretty good shape, but it came with some retro Little People and furniture. Including these little people…  Fisher-price-little-people-man-boy

Who look ALOT like my people… Neal and Max:


Do you see it?!?


And these cuties came with it too.

 The house has a little roll up garage.


And here's some of the inside. I am more excited than Mia, it's true. But luckily, she's into it too.

Now I am on the hunt for a few more vintage Little People, the dog and a baby. What are you wanting to find? Are you collecting anything? I'd love to hear about it. Then I can keep an eye out for your stuff too…HAPPY HUNTING, FRIENDS!

YOT sig 3 

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  1. I’m so happy for you and your daughter that you came across all those wonderful toys. Those are some of the best toys you could ask for.
    My youngest was born in 1970 so she had the advantage of having her 3 siblings play with her when she was old enough.
    I had all those little people houses, etc for my kids, yeah even the boys liked playing with their sister’s toys, They were pretty close in age so they’d play for hours with all of it. Talk about a built in babysitter. There’d be stuff all over the room but the kids (3) would be so enthralled with all of it I didn’t mind. When it was time to pick up everything we’d have fun doing that too.
    They were very fussy about putting the right people with the right house. Think there was a gas station also. Such wonderful fun and learning skills for them. I kept it all for the last child who is 6 yrs. younger than one before her and they all played with her with it. I have such wonderful memories of them all playing all day out on the back covered porch with it all and they were great entertaining toys on rainy days. They even had their lunch out there while they played. Our last one was never just our baby, she was everybody’s. The kids are all still close and the youngest is now 42. Ouch. Enjoy. It was meant for you to find those as you appreciate them.

  2. There is something special about finding the older toys in good shape Malia. They were well made and such fun for the imagination. Today, it’s all technologoy! Love your score!

  3. I remember that house! Wow! I hit up a big garage sale yesterday, but didn’t find any vintage treasures. Of course, I just left with toys for the little guy!

  4. OOOOO, I am so jealous, I have been looking for that kind stuff for months for my grandson. And I live just up the road a piece in MTL. What a super find. Love to come and visit your blog, always something good!

  5. I was looking for these all last year- I was in the church nursery and thought the kids would love them. Great finds- enjoy!
    xo Becca

  6. That is so exciting! I remember these toys. My sister had them and I loved to play with them, too! She wishes that she still had them! Great finds. Having fun at the Junkin Joe party!
    PS I loved your milk glass post too!

  7. Oh wow ! I adored playing with Little People when I was a little girl. My little friends down the street had tonnes of the sets and we would play happily for hours with them. They had a playground with see saws and swings and I loved that one in particular. This was a great find for you, well done !

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