Sparkly Snowman Ornament

Sparkly Snowman Ornament

Create a Sparkly Snowman Ornament to hang on your Christmas tree from

This darling sparkly snowman is sure to bring a smile to your face his holiday season. It would be a fun ornament to create with kids or make as gifts.

Create a Sparkly Snowman Ornament to hang on your Christmas tree from

 Supplies: Clear glass or plastic ornament, white glitter, Beacon brand “Glitter It”, orange Sculpty (for the nose), black dimensional paint aka puffy paint, black foam (for hat) a toothpick, googly eyes, two pom poms, scissors and low temp hot glue

Create a Sparkly Snowman Ornament to hang on your Christmas tree from

Step 1: Start at the top with the snowman’s hat. Trace a circle (using a cup or glass for a template) on black foam and cut it out. Fold it in half and make snips in the center. Put on ornament.

Create a Sparkly Snowman Ornament to hang on your Christmas tree from

Step 2: Next, cut a strip (4 inches long by 3 inches in width) of black foam and adhere it on the

base. Use it to trace a small circle on the black foam. Cut it out and glue it on top.

Create a Sparkly Snowman Ornament to hang on your Christmas tree from

Step 3: To make the cute carrot nose, pinch off a piece of Sculpey and gently roll it into the shape of a carrot.

Create a Sparkly Snowman Ornament to hang on your Christmas tree from

Step 4: Too add detail, use a toothpick or small wooden skewer to make lines on the carrot. Follow the directions on the Scupley package to bake.

 Create a Sparkly Snowman Ornament to hang on your Christmas tree from

Step 5: Pour the Beacon: “Glitter It”  liquid inside the glass ball. If you happen to have a funnel it could make pouring the glitter easier! Add glitter, swirl and dump out the excess. Glue on the googly eyes.

Create a Sparkly Snowman Ornament to hang on your Christmas tree from

Step 5: Use the black dimension aka puffy paint to create the snowman’s smile. Let it dy.

Create a Sparkly Snowman Ornament to hang on your Christmas tree from

Step 6: One the face and hat are down, glue two pom poms on for “ear muffs.”

For more Christmas snowman craft ideas, check out these posts:

Transform a wine class into a charming Snowman Candy Jar. A quick and festive Christmas Gift from

Snowman Candy Jars

Fast Handmade Christmas Gift Ideas

Snowman Mason Jar

 Note: This Sparkly Snowman idea is from Tracy Gonzalez… thanks Tracy!

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  1. Very cute! What size ornaments did you use? I was also wondering if you knew the size of the googly eyes as well.

    Thank you!

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