Make it Monday: Masks + Mitts + A Pioneer Woman Giveaway

Hey all you Pioneer Woman Fans:  I am giving away a autographed copy of her new cookbook!  Scroll down to enter (you have up to four chances).  It's a gorgeous book, packed with recipes and her photos. To read about my Pioneer Woman experience, go here.

Today's project is kind of like making soup– use whatever ingredients you have on hand.

masks and mitts

The basics I used:


Paper Bags of all sizes (lunch sack size or that size you get your treat in from Starbucks can work for mitts).  Wax paper sandwich are good for mitts also.


Paint, glue, scissors (the pair with the white handles are from Martha Stewart and they are fantastic for cutting fringe.  Close up of Edward Scissorhands I mean Martha Stewart Fringe Scissors below. 


Felt scraps (construction paper, cardstock, fabric– anything would work.


To make the masks, I measured 11" and trimmed off the rest of the bag.  For the eyes I measured 4" down and spaced them about 1" apart.  


I used the measuring cup that comes with Children's Motrin as a template. 

I happened to have some smaller scissors but a craft knife or kid's safety scissors would work great too.

After consulting with my client, we decided to go with a "Jaguar theme."  Here's the educational part– we went online to learn all about about jaguars.  Then we painted and used felt for the spots and nose and those special scissors for the whiskers.  The ears are made from leftover paper bag.


To make the mitts, I traced my hand generously so there would be plenty of room for to slip a  little hand inside.  I went around the inside with glue dots to secure.  Other ideas– trimmed lunch or treat sacks or if you prefer white, wax paper sandwich bags.

Here's my fierce jaguar. 


My cute kitty.

And a preying mantis/grasshopper/some type of green insect.

And then my buddy was done with this project.  If you do one of these I'd love to see it! Stop by tomorrow for some thrifty finds for the kitchen.

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  1. Cute, cute! My oldest two would love to do this! I will have to gather supplies to tackle this project later this week. :)
    Thanks so much for stopping by to follow my blog! I am your newest subscriber. :)

  2. So fun! I can’t wait until my little man is a little older so we can do crafts together!
    Thanks for linking at Lucky Star Lane!