Pretty Hair: Easy Voluminous Waves

Creating Easy Voluminous Waves

Are you happy with your current hair style? Me? I’ve been stuck in a rut. I have “that hair.” The  natural  texture of my ‘do isn’t curly… and it’s not straight. It’s wavy in a way that’s not very stylish. To get my to be either straight or curly it takes a lot of time, product and requires the help of an industrial strength curling/flat iron.

I really wanted straight hair growing up (and those were the bleak days before flat irons) but there wasn’t much I could do about it. Then it was the 1980’s and frizzy curls were “in”… along with their perfect partner– the wall o’ mall bangs. I can still smell the odor of perm solution when I think about that decade. These days, I either let my hair naturally dry (honestly because I don’t have any time) so it gets wavy, or I take the flat iron to it. This is my hair after some serious quality time with a flat iron.

Malia Straight Hair

But there is a new look I am eager to try… and this video has me feeling inspired and empowered! To make these Easy Voluminous Waves, you just need a few products from the drugstore and a curling iron. This tutorial is so clear and seems so doable… I can’t wait to try it!

So what do you think? Are you ready to try making Easy Voluminous Waves with me?

Sweeps Rules

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Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Olay and BlogHer. All opinions are my own.

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