Welcome SITS-ters!

Hi Friends. I am doing a happy dance because it's my SITS Day. Simple stated, SITS is a group of about nine thousand bloggers who support each other through visiting and leaving comments. Each day they feature a different blogger, so you get to meet all sorts of lovely people.

How to Blog

Everyone is super nice from the women that run the site to all the bloggers. If you're stopping by from SITS, welcome and I'm very happy you're here!

My name is Malia and I am a happy Mom to two cute kids and wife to my best friend. I grew up in Seattle and I am blessed that I still get to live here.

 Me circa 1975. This photo is what inspired me to use a Betsy McCall image for Yesterday on Tuesday.

 The tagline of YoT is "The art of everyday life" and that's what I believe in. I enjoy doing things for my family, friends and home that make ordinary days special. It's not about spending money on fancy supplies. To me, it's about being present in the moment and taking a thoughtful approach to the daily routine. Chores, cooking, and general home keeping are acts of love.

I believe everyone is creative and it's just a matter of discovering what makes your heart sing.

Two of my favorite things are family and finding vintage treasures. That's why I am really enjoying going through my Grandma Millicent's recipe box with my series "Millicent and Malia." It's fun and nostalgic for me to make some of her favorite dishes.

Recipe box

Find free printable recipe cards inspired by this sweet vintage recipe box here.

Recipe cards
I've made all sorts of Grandma's favs including Frosted Coffee Bars. Coffee + Frosting– need I say more?

Frosted coffee bars

When I'm not cooking I'm probably crafting. I enjoy upcycling things and finding different uses for things like taking woven belt material and making it into bracelets.

Belt to bracelet

Thank you, SITS and thanks for stopping by today. I'm looking forward to visiting all of you too.



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  1. Hello Malia! Just popping by to say a big congratulations to you for being featured on SITS today.
    Thanks also for dropping by and visiting my blog and pinterest. I am so happy that I found your lovely blog!
    Best wishes,

  2. Congrats on your SITS day!Those bars look so yummy!Nice blog! I love learning new crafty ideas because I am not naturally blessed in that area! Thank-you for sharing!

  3. Happy SITS Day! Your blog is beautiful and I love what I’m seeing here. Finding ways to include creativity in our daily lives makes me smile. I am following you now, so I will definitely be back! :>

  4. Congratulations!!! It must be very exciting to be featured on SitsGirls!
    I love your blog and after seeing the pictures, I’m going to have to make the Chocolate-Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cake! It looks delicious!
    Can’t wait to read more.

  5. Love those pale green salt and pepper shakers. And the snowglobe made of baby food jars on the SITS site is well–gotta have it material. Link me to those directions pronto please :)

  6. Oooh, those green shakers are gorgeous! And I have a recipe box just like that. I think it was my grandmother’s too.
    Happy SITS Day, Malia! Enjoy the comment love today.

  7. From just the first few posts, I know your blog is going to become a regular for me! Adding you to my Google Reader now! Happy SITS Day!

  8. Happy SITS day! I think those shakers are fantastic. I love the vintage look. And don’t get me started on the cake. Enjoy the love

  9. Congrats on your SITS day! I love that you share your grandmother’s recipes. It makes me want to find some of my grandmother’s recipes and start cooking again.

  10. Happy SITS day! I love the idea of going through your grandma’s recipes – I do the same thing all the time with mine and my husband’s grandma’s!
    I love some of your crafting ideas – I am SO stealing the globe idea!!

  11. Dropping in to share your SITS day. I love your jean pockets banner. I’m tucking that away for future reference. I can’t wait to look around a little more. I love old family recipes and will definitely be checking out your Millicent and Malia section. I hope your SITS day is fabulous.

  12. So happy to see it’s your SITS Day! Congratulations! It was fun to read the interview and learn a bit more about you. And . . . this choc pb cake recipe looks delicious. I just read “Chasing Lilacs” by Carla Stewart and one of her characters makes a peanut butter pie – good read, and now I have a great recipe to try.
    You’ve made my summer even more fun.

  13. Malia, I really love what you’ve written here. Its so important to be grateful and appreciate everything in the moment. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I appreciate it. I really love the positive energy from your blog. It makes me smile. :D Have a wonderful rest of the week! :D Your picture is so cute! :D

  14. Malia, congratulations on your SITS day, my friend! What a treat for anyone who hasn’t had the pleasure of discovering you yet!! I loved reading about the genesis of your blog name over at SITS.
    OMG — I had a dress just like that when I was a little girl. It was a favorite! Next time I’m over at my mom’s I’m going to have to pull out a picture and we can compare!

  15. Yeah for Malia….congrats on your SITS day! I love you and your blog (I think you know that already!) Enjoy your day! I am sure there are tons of people out there who will be thrilled to discover your talents!

  16. Hi Malia. Congrats on your SITS day! Your upcycled organizers are adorable and unique. I’m not craftsy but your post makes me think even I could do this. Take care

  17. I just discovered SITS today. I am not much of an artist but I love crafts and trying new things and baking (on the odd moment that I have the time). I’m sure I will enjoy your blog. :)

  18. Love your blog! So cute and I love your ideas. I’m off to check out what else you have in store (like that snowglobe). Happy happy SITS day!!!

  19. Love the Millicent and Malia theme – oh how I wish I had my grandma’s recipes. She was a fabulous baker but it was all in her head. I write about this frequently on my blog. That coffee bar recipe looks awesome. Will definitely be trying that.
    congrats on your big day!

  20. Congratulations! I LOVE how you came up with the name of your blog! TOO adorable! I’m so happy that I became a follower!

  21. Oh man! I had that jumper with the strawberry–my mother made it for me. You are just too cute in yours. My mother also had that very recipe box. Happy SITS Day!

  22. You’ve awakened a dormant crafter in me! :)
    Love all your ideas…and a VERY happy SITS-day to you!
    Happily a new followers!

  23. Congratulations on being featured on SITS!
    Your blog is beautiful! I always wished I was more artistic and crafty, especially now that I have a kid. Do you have easy craft ideas that are great to do with a toddler?

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