Kale + Sausage Casserole

Do you sometimes struggle with that daily question– What the heck am I going to cook for dinner tonight that I'm not TOTALLY burnt out on making?

I certainly do! So when I saw this recipe for Baked Pasta with Kale in the latest issue of Woman's Day magazine, I got a little excited. You see I have been wanting to try cooking with kale for awhile, but I wanted to make something I thought my family would have a good chance of liking (I have two kids 10 and 7 and a husband who I was a little worried about). Here's my take on it:

Kale and Sausage Casserole - YoT #kale #kalecasserole #womansday magazine #thecasserolequeens #yesterdayontuesday

The recipe was clear to follow and I am pleased to say… the kids loved it! They actually wanted seconds. SUCCESS! I will be adding this recipe to my repertoire. 

Here's the recipe in Woman's Day. This delicious dish is by The Casserole Queens

Happy Eating!

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