“Get Old” Well


{“Get Old” Well}

I know we have a {ahem} BIG holiday just around the corner (cue the Christmas music), but then there is that other holiday, New Year’s, that can really make an impact on your life. If you chose to, you can use New Year’s as a springboard for taking stock and taking control of your life and the aging process. Here’s an example. Much like a flower, we start off like this– beautiful and ready to bloom: 

Get Old with Pfizer

And we get some experience under our belts, and become ever more brilliant:

Get Old with Pfizer And as some time goes by, (and we have it within our ability to age well) we have the opportunity to become truly gorgeous:

Get Old with Pfizer

The bottom line is, there’s so much more to “getting old”– there’s GETTING Old… in other words understanding what you need to do to age well and doing it. 

Get Old is an initiative developed by Pfizer to challenge people of all ages to rethink what it means to Get Old and take a more active role in their health and quality of life at every age. 

New Year’s is of course THE time to make resolutions. The things we do thoughtfully today and have a huge impact on our future. That’s why I am making this year’s resolutions with the future in mind.

New Year’s Resolutions

Here are my plans for my New Year’s Resolutions for Getting Old Well– see if they resonate with you.

1. Make an exercise schedule, including a back-up plan: It’s been said over and over… we all need to exercise. It’s so important to our current and future health. A plan is all well and good, but then something happens– you have an unexpected snafu like a sick kid or a work deadline and suddenly, you are off track with your workouts. Then you start feeling defeated and give up because you aren’t able to stick with your New Year’s Resolution to exercise.

Banish those bad thoughts by scheduling in a back-up plan. Carve out an extra hour and a half, in addition to your regular workout schedule. That way, if something does come up, you have a way to stick to your plan OR if you are feeling good that week and nothing goes wrong, you can get an extra workout in.

2. Do something different: We tend to get stuck in our own comfort zones and habits about where we go, what we do, and who we socialize with. Make yourself not go with the status quo. Seek out one “different” thing a week. Ask a new friend to coffee, walk the dog on a different route or see a play or show in a different town. The important thing is to shake up your routine. Studies have shown doing different things is good for our brains– and we need our brains to stay sharp as we age.

3. Settle into your own skin: In a way, aging is a great gift. Over time you understand yourself better and feel more comfortable in your own skin. Make the decision to NOT compare yourself to others. Feel good about where you are and the path you’re on. You have a wealth of experiences to draw upon. You are much smarter and savvier than you were when you were just “blooming.” Ditch the stress and strife be poised and content about where you are.

What are you doing to Get Old well?  Tell us at GetOld.com and join the conversation on Twitter.com/GetOld and Facebook.com/GetOld.  

I am participating in a sponsored campaign hosted by Pfizer and Get Old. I received compensation for this post. All opinions stated are my own. Get Old is a registered trademark of Pfizer Inc.

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