Pinterest Party: obSUESSed!

Hello, hello!! Its my favorite day of the week. Friday!!
Not only is it the last work day of the week, but its the day we feature one crafty pinner from the Pinterest Master List.

Today’s featured pinner is Victoria from obSEUSSed!
You’ll never guess what Victoria blogs about… Dr. Seuss, of course! You must check out her corner of the blogosphere.
Victoria has 73 Pinterest boards and 11950 pins.
Let’s check out some of those boards!
Victoria naturally has several Dr. Seuss related boards you can peruse. I think this Dr. Seuss Party, Cakes, & Food may be my favorite!
My 5 year old is ALL about Legos right now. I see a lot of ideas he would love in this Lego Wars board!
Pinch me, I must be dreaming! Or maybe I just think Victoria’s Retro Active board is just SUPER dreamy!
I love to see how others organize their spaces, especially the home office. There is a ton of great inspiration in this Map Office board, including a lot of great map projects!
Ready for the pins?
This tension rod tent set up in a hallway is genius! And so much simpler than gathering chairs and whatnot for a regular fort.
Pinned by Victoria from ikatbag
What do you get when you cross the color mint with a clock and throw in a little retro?
This amazing retro clock! 
Pinned by Victoria from Fab
 I love this simple trick to give a bookshelf a whole new look!
Pinned by Victoria from In My Own Style
As a former scientist, I’m always on the hunt to share my passion for science with my kids. There are some super fun science ideas here!
Kid Friendly Science Lab
I can totally see our family having fun in the backyard this summer playing a little glow in the dark ring toss.
It would be great for camping trips, too! 
Pinned by Victoria from Momma Did It
These home management binder printables looks amazing and cover EVERY aspect of your home. Best part? Its free! 
Fabulous pins, Victoria! Thank you so much for linking to the party. 
Please feel free to grab a featured button!


Have you linked up to the Pinterest Master List? Who knows, you could be our next feature!






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