Behind the Blog: Amanda + Jenn from Kind Over Matter

Follow your bliss

Follow Your Bliss (Free Printable) 

Hi Friends!  Today's Behind the Blog subjects are literally glowing with goodness…

Behind the Blog

We're chatting with Amanda and Jenn from Kind Over Matter!  Stopping by this site gives me such a warm feeling. What a gorgeous idea– to use a blog as a "place" for people to practice kindness– to themselves, to family and friends, and to strangers.

You might have seen KOM profiled in the latest edition of Artful Blogging.  Or you may already be a Kind Over Matter fan like myself.  I know there are a TON of us.  So I feel extra lucky that the gals behind this amazing blog found the time to let me ask them a few questions.

When/How did Kind Over Matter come into being?  Tell us the story…

Jenn:  Amanda & I started Kind Over Matter in February 2009, Amanda had made some printable Kind cards for her Etsy shop & she sent me a few, we got to talking & decided to make a group on Flickr, then the idea for the blog happened. It was all really fast, the ideas just kept coming to us.


Kind Over Matter Cards (Free Printable) 

How has it evolved?  How have your lives changed/been enhanced as KOM has grown?

Kind Over Matter has grown so much, really skyrocketed over the past year. It’s brought so many wonderful people into our lives, and also I think really become a tight knit community which has spilled over to our Facebook and Twitter pages, lots of interaction and talking, so lovely to see. 


Jenn and Amanda 

What has been the most surprising thing about this journey so far?

I think that, for me, the thing that’s surprised me the most out of all of this is the reaction we’ve received. People really respond to kindness, and with all of the negativity & harsh words that we’re inundated with each day, it feels like Kind Over Matter has become a refuge of sorts, a resting place.


Be Kind Banner Project 

What is the goal/mission of KOM?

Our goal is simple, really. We want to help people. We want to inspire people. We want to make people smile. We want to promote being kind to others.

“Who” are your readers?   Do you think they have something in common?    

Our readers are artists, crafters, other bloggers, stay-at-home mommas & pops, their kids. They are college students, grandmothers, dreamers, writers. 


Card Drop

KOM “Guerilla Art” for the lack of a better description… finding and leaving beautiful notes and things for strangers … why do you think this is a meaningful thing to do?    

It’s an easy way to touch someone’s life. I mean, wouldn’t this make your day? A 10-year-old boy did a card drop, how awesome is that?  If you were having a rough day & came upon a card drop, wouldn’t that get you out of your head for a second & maybe give you some distance from what was causing your heart to ache?    

Has it happened to/for each of you?     

Jenn: Hahaha, no, I’ve never come upon a card drop before. I keep my eyes open for one, though. 

Amanda: No, I've never seen one of our actual cards but I've seen little messages here & there, be it in pen or spray paint, they were like little messages from the universe.

How can we be kinder to ourselves, and to our community?    

Kinder to ourselves? Danette can answer that. Kinder to our community? Danielle has the answer to that one.


 Free Compliments Poster

Your blog is so packed with positivity… What are (each of your) favorite categories?    

Jenn: I really like the Five Kind Etsy Finds posts, they are so fun & there are so many amazing artists on there. I like the Feel Good Nouns, too. Those make me smile.

Thoughtful gifts

Thoughtful Gifts 

Amanda:  We just started a Thoughtful Gifts category, I really love working on those posts! The Kind Kindred posts too, those just do it for me, big time.

Has there been a post or submission that has been especially touching to you?    

Jenn: The video in this Kindred post by Jamie Ridler made me cry, it is so pretty.

Amanda:  It's not so much the posts or submissions, while they are so very inspiring, it's the comments that they receive that rip my heart open sometimes. Things like, You have no idea how much I needed to see/hear/read this today. Comments like those bring me back to my blogging center.


Lovecloud Originally Uploaded By Claudia G. Pearson on KOM

Which categories do you find readers are gravitating towards the most?    

The giveaways…. No really, we get a lot of response from the posts featuring freebie printables. Each Friday we do a weekly roundup of link love called Friday’s Lovelies, those are pretty well-received, too. 

Do you have personal mantras?  Can you share them?    

Jenn: Let go. Breathe peace. Those are the two I always come back to. 

Amanda:  Be Gentle.  Be Love.  Breathe.  


Breathe Printable Art 

Who inspires you?    

Jenn: Danielle LaPorte. Jen Lemen. Danette Relic. Amanda Oaks. 

Amanda : My family, all of these women & these lovelies


Attitudes are contagious cards 

Do the KOM chicks ever have bad days?  What turns it around for you?     

Jenn: Hahaha, of course we have bad days, we’re human just like everyone else! What turns it around could be anything – getting away from the computer, going for a walk, doing something creative, working on a post.

Amanda : Yes, the day-to-day can be very challenging, trying to balance two little guys under 3, housework, blogging but laughter & love pull us through, everyday.

How do you handle encounters with people who appear to be less than kind?    

Jenn:  I take a (very) deep breath & tell myself that they’re having a bad day, that it’s not personal. Sounds silly, but that really helps me stay even. 

Amanda:  I remind myself that I have no idea what they are going through.


Nice Cards 

Can you share what’s next for KOM?    

Big things.  Big beautiful things that we’re going to be keeping under wraps for just a bit longer. 

Anything else you'd like to add?    

In the end these things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you live?  How deeply did you let go?

– Siddhārtha Gautama

Find Kind Over Matter Here: 

Kind Over Matter Blog  

Kind Over Matter on Facebook 

Kind Over Matter on Twitter 


Thank you so much Amanda and Jenn!  I've got a big announcement to share tomorrow on Yesterday on Tuesday.  I hope you'll come visit me and get the scoop.  Okay I can't keep it a secret.  Here's a hint…

A Crafty Soiree

You're all invited… it's going to be a blast.  My sweet and talented friend Katie from Katie's Nesting Spot and I are going to co-host.  More details tomorrow. The party gets started next Thursday September 2nd. BIG Hug!  Malia

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  1. I’ve never heard of the KOM blog before, but what a beautiful way to celebrate kindness and share kindness with the world. Great job, ladies!