Goat-ing for It

I had the best playground growing up– my backyard. We lived on a farm with horses, pastures and… a goat.

This is my brother and I with Cinnamon. Cinnamon was quite regal, with high cheekbones and a long face. If she had been wearing a string of pearls and a hat, it would not have seemed out of place.

Cinnamon had personality to spare. She had a mad crush on my Dad, could eat anything (and not gain a pound) and she loved being scratched between the horns.

Thanks to my friendship with Cinnamon and later "Baaabs" (our other goat) I became a goat girl. Goats are so cool!

Anyway, here's a fun story from my favorite ABC correspondent (and husband) Neal Karlinsky about goats for rent:


Hope this story make you smile.


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  1. My dad tells stories about having goats when he was growing up. Sounds like they do have a lot of personality! Cinnamon is such a cute name for her :)

  2. Malia,
    That is an adorable picture! One of my friends has 5 acres and keeps goats among her other animals. she told me they don’t even need a lawn mower. They just let their goats our for the day and it’s done.

  3. Neal’s story is great. The picture you posted – seriously, looks like it could be Max and Mia! To top it off you grew up on a farm? When are the cool details of your life going to be fully revealed???