10 Things My Father Taught Me

Dad (My Dad)

10 Things My Father Taught Me

1. Listen when your kids want to talk to you about anything. Then they'll come to you when they need to talk about "something."

2. Be cheerful.

3. You don't have to know how to finish a project in order to start it. (There's no shame in more than one trip to Home Depot).

4. A good sense of humor can get you through almost any situation.

5. Be kind to everyone.

6. Simply doing what you say you you're going to do sets you apart from most people.

7. You always have time for a friend.

8. If your kids don't want to eat breakfast and you can't sing, sing to them. They'll finish their food quickly.

9. The best part about living a long life is seeing how all the stories end.

10. When God closes a door he opens a window.

What life lessons did your Dad teach you?

Much love to my Dad, my fabulous husband (an amazing Dad) and ALL the Dad and Grandfathers out here!

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  1. Your Father reminds me of mine, who passed in ’95, riding on the comet’s tail. A fine list, Malia, to which I would add, “Don’t expect much and you won’t be disappointed.”~~my Father’s way of saying “Be grateful for what you have.” I think that is the way to happiness in a nutshell. That way, everything else is frosting on the cake. He grew up on a farm in Kansas and watched what was left of the family farm being auctioned off for pennies on the dollar after the Dust Bowl. He served in the Navy during WW2. His was a life of hard work and ingenuity. He had a wicked sense of humor that buoyed him during hard times. He raised 8 children on a Machinist’s salary. He was our rock. Miss him so much.

  2. My dad pased away in 1995 also. He taught me to shoot a bow and arrow, to skin a dear and to always be open to talking with people. Everyone has a story and he would always listen. He was a fine man. I can’t shhot a bow and arrow now or sking a dear but I can always listen to a good story!