Balsam Hill Giveaway

This post is sponsored by Balsam Hill. All opinions are my own.

Balsam Hill Giveaway {Wreath + $100 Etsy Gift Card x 3}

Win a wreath from Balsam Hill and an Etsy gift card for one hundred dollars #balsamhill #celebratemom #celebratelife

Spring is the perfect time to spruce up your surroundings… starting with your front door. Nothing sets the stage for a pretty entryway like a wreath. Balsam Hill is my go-to place for fabulous spring wreaths. I had so much fun choosing the perfect Balsam Hill English Boxwood wreath, and shopping on Etsy to create a springy Mother’s Day inspired doorstep/entry for my home.

Win a wreath from Balsam Hill and an Etsy gift card for one hundred dollars #balsamhill #celebratemom #celebratelife

And the best news is… Balsam Hill will also give one of my lucky readers their own English Boxwood wreath as well as a $100 gift card to Etsy so they can freshen up their space!

But wait, there’s more: Balsam Hill is running an additional giveaway where you can score TWO wreaths and TWO $100 gift cards to Etsy on their Balsam Hill Blog. Check it out!

That’s right,  there are TWO chances to win BIG!

I’ll get to the my giveaway details soon. First, let me show you how I personalized my Balsam Hill Spring Boxwood Wreath.

Win a wreath from Balsam Hill and an Etsy gift card for one hundred dollars #balsamhill #celebratemom #celebratelife

Now that spring has sprung, I find myself inspired by bright citrus colors like green, yellow and orange. The lovely green color of this English Boxwood wreath made it the perfect choice for me.

It look great wreath without anything! It’s so modern and clean looking. But since it’s spring and I’m feeling springy, I decided to buy a large wooden letter from Etsy seller Buildeez and paint it orange. Balsam Hill generously gave me an Etsy gift card so I could score a few items to complete the look.

Win a wreath from Balsam Hill and an Etsy gift card for one hundred dollars #balsamhill #celebratemom #celebratelife

I painted the wooden letter orange and used burlap to fasten it to the wreath.

Win a wreath from Balsam Hill and an Etsy gift card for one hundred dollars #balsamhill #celebratemom #celebratelife

I love that it looks modern and traditional at the same time. To continue the citrus hues, I also purchased a Mother’s Day fabric covered flower pot from the Etsy shop Flowers in December. They have lots of cool personalized things to check out.

Win a wreath from Balsam Hill and an Etsy gift card for one hundred dollars #balsamhill #celebratemom #celebratelife

The pattern is so neat.

Win a wreath from Balsam Hill and an Etsy gift card for one hundred dollars #balsamhill #celebratemom #celebratelife

And I like the hand stamped “Happy Mother’s Day” and the flower. In the spring and summer we like to sit in front of our house and visit. The bench and cushion were fine, but were missing something: pillows!

Win a wreath from Balsam Hill and an Etsy gift card for one hundred dollars #balsamhill #celebratemom #celebratelife

I liked the “Hockley” pattern of these two pillows from a shop called Simply Divine by Joann on Etsy.

Win a wreath from Balsam Hill and an Etsy gift card for one hundred dollars #balsamhill #celebratemom #celebratelife

Don’t the pillows “make” the space? With all these bright colors, I wanted to update my planter as well.

Win a wreath from Balsam Hill and an Etsy gift card for one hundred dollars #balsamhill #celebratemom #celebratelife

Here’s a larger view of most of the area.

Win a wreath from Balsam Hill and an Etsy gift card for one hundred dollars #balsamhill #celebratemom #celebratelife

You can win your very own Balsam Hill English Boxwood Wreath PLUS a $100 gift card to spend at Etsy!

Win a wreath from Balsam Hill and an Etsy gift card for one hundred dollars #balsamhill #celebratemom #celebratelife


To enter, leave me a comment telling me the best advice (decorating or otherwise) that your Mom gave you. I’ll choose a random winner at 5pm Pacific Time on Thursday May 15th. US Entries only please.


Special thanks to Balsam Hill.

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  1. My mother has passed, but the best advice I remember, that makes me smile now as I pass it down to my kids, is always like the batter spoon when you make a cake!

    mindingmomma at aol dot com

  2. My mother was never a big decorator but she did tel me always yard sale for children clothes, they grow so fast

  3. One thing that she said that stands out is when your house needs cleaning and the kids want attention, don’t worry about the housework. It will always be there but your kids will only be little for a while!

  4. My Mother had a very eclectic style and so do I. She always said if you like it that is all that matters. You will find a place for the things you like. She also said not to worry if others like your taste they don’t live there. We both have moves many times in our lives and are most comfortable when we have our things with us! I lost my Mother two years ago and now I have many of her things around me. It makes me soooo happy to see her items in my home!

  5. I’d have to say the best “advice” she gave me was just how to bargain shop and never to pay full price for anything! :P

  6. My mom used to say always wear clean underwear. Never know when you will be in an accident.

  7. The best advice my mother ever gave me was, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
    Regarding decorating, though, I learned to use quilts on our beds. They give such a homey atmosphere.

  8. My Mom died when I was younger and at the time I don’t think I fully realized the depth of the things she said. I remember her giving advice to a friend saying, “you never pick sides between a husband and wife” ~ and then explaining that you don’t want to come between a couple ~ you always want to build them up together not apart. I don’t remember the friend or the couple they were talking about but that always stuck with me and now, I understand it. :)
    Mary Beth @ Cupcakes and Crinoline recently posted…Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for the Mom Who Rocks TechnologyMy Profile

  9. My mom is a wealth of awesome knowledge! Probably the best advice she gave me was teaching me that you feed the animals first, THEN yourself. We lived on a farm and it was always straight out to the barns to care for the animals before breakfast! You learn to care for others before yourself and how important other lives are, more important than your own comfort at times.
    Jenna Z recently posted…Happy May Day!My Profile

  10. The best advice my mother has given me was that good things come to those who wait. Patience was such a hard virtue to learn– but she was right!

  11. My mom gives the best advice by not giving advice. She has this amazing talent for guiding without leading, and she always manages to point me in the right direction. It’s a fantastic gift as an adult having my second child!

  12. My mom told me to take more chances/be bolder and put up more photos. I most recently painted one of my living wall rooms dark brown then used really large black matted frames with black and white photos of the day I had my son.

  13. My mother is a great decorator and her best advice is to go to plenty garage sales and use plenty of coupons, She was a bargain shopper and everything she made looked GORGEOUS!!

  14. The best advice my mom gave me was to be proud of getting a bargain at the thrift store.

  15. My mom always liked saying “if in doubt, leave it out”. She was usually talking about spoiled food but it applied to a lot of other things, too. :)

  16. My mom taught me to always look on the bright side of a situation. It’s simple advice but it has served me so well!

  17. The best decorating advice my mother gave me was to never leave the Christmas Tree up past Easter! :))

  18. The best advice I got was to decorate your living space to relax, enlighten, and make you happy, not to impress. After all, you will be spending the most time there.

  19. “Find something you love to do and then find a way to get paid to do it.” I think this is a quote she heard somewhere else, but my mommy told it to me all the time. It inspired me to become a high school teacher in a field that isn’t as easy to find a job in – theater/public speaking. I do love it though, and it’s opened a lot of doors for me. I think I’m going to drill this into my daughter as she grows up.

  20. Always keep it simple and personal. and don’t be afraid of what it looks like. Which sounds like bad decorating advice but the 3 year old artwork means more to me than a Picasso would!

  21. The best advice I received from my mom is how to coupon and shop clearance racks. She is a pro at it, and I have become one as well! The other advice may not be exactly appropriate, but funny. My mom’s first marriage was loveless and ended badly. She claims it was because they never really dated, but just rushed into it. She always told my sisters and I to really get to “know” a man before marriage, because you wouldn’t test drive a car before buying it would you?

  22. My mom told me to ALWAYS wear clean underwear. There are times I have been thankful for this advice (as strange as it may seem)

  23. My best advice from my mom is to always look for the positive in everything I do! To find my own happiness, and everything will fall into place.

  24. My mothers best advice was let your kids be kids because they only stay little for so long <3

  25. My mom isn’t much of a decorator, to be honest. But she did teach me the importance of having a comfortable, kid-friendly home.

  26. One of the best pieces of advice from my mom was “don’t take it personally.” It has certainly served me well in many situations.

  27. My mother always said a clean kitchen sink each night will make you feel better in the morning. Isn’t that the truth. It’s a pain to wake up knowing you have to do the dishes.

  28. Mom always decorated with items that had meaning to her, items that had been passed down to her from her parents. So that’s what I do, and it brings me joy!

  29. My mom always said, “PMA” – Positive Mental Attitude. She’s right – it always helps!

  30. My mother was killed by a drunk driver when I was only 5 years old. She never had the opportunity to give me advice when she was alive, but her death taught me a lot. I learned at a very young age that your actions affect other people, not just you. Always consider the outcome of your actions and make responsible choices. Love those around you with every fiber of your being and make sure they know it. When you lose someone you love make sure they live on – do good deeds in their memory, share their stories, and think of them often.

  31. My mom is not a big decorator but some great advice she gave me is to make time to do something for yourself.

  32. My Mom always told me that no matter where I live, I can make it nice with a fresh coat of paint, some rugs and pilows, and a lot of personal touches. She was right.

  33. The best advice my mom gave me was treat others the way you want to be treated. Always be kind. I plan on teaching the same to my son!

  34. My mom always told me traditional doesn’t go out of style and usually less is more for decorating!

  35. Her advice that I still go by: If someone doesn’t have a smile, give them one of yours.
    Thanks for the contest.

  36. My mom loves decorating so she is where I get alot of my inspiration from. She is more stylish than me :)

  37. My mother taught us how to make hand made Halloween,Christmas and Easter decorations with recycled materials

  38. My mom taught me to have decorations that reflect the seasons and swap them out regularly to keep things fresh!

  39. My mom and I have different tastes, but I do remember her telling me that everything doesn’t have to be matchy matchy!

  40. My mom’s advice came through her way of living…be frugal, look for a good deal, be simple in your decorations.

  41. My mom really taught us the importance of saving money. I am so frugal thanks to her – I’m so thankful for her money saving tips!

  42. The best advice my mom gave me after I got married was to be myself when it came to trying to impress the in-laws. Otherwise I’ll be tired for the rest of my life trying to maintain that image!

  43. The best advice my mom ever gave me was to always go out of the house presentable and decent looking. This is important because you always want to feel good about yourself to be your best.

  44. The best mom advice I got was to decorate for myself and not anyone else. If my home makes my family and me happy, that’s what counts, even if it isn’t on trend.

  45. My favorite decorating advice my mom ever told me which has been a few, has to be that adding plants to a corner can really soften up a empty space and adds life at the same time. My mom always had a tall, unique tree in the corner of the living-room in the houses I grew up in.

  46. The best advise my mother gave me is when I was having marital issues and she told me she did not want me to tell her everything that was going on to avoid her forming opinions that may carry on through my life to which she was correct.

  47. My mom told me to always be myself. I suppose that goes for life and decorating :) ghwasd at gmail dot com

  48. the best advise is always make sure everything doesn’t blend together or it wont look right

  49. the best advice she told me is to never let drapes stop at the window seals, let them hit the floor.

    cdutra43 @ gmail dot com

  50. My Mom always kept everything neat and organized so I learned to keep certain papers in one drawer or purse pocket so they don’t get lost. And have everything face forward, it looks nicer.

  51. My mother always taught me the importance of keeping the arrangement of a room conducive to conversation. Placement of chairs and couches is important, just like making your guests feel engaged in conversation instead of awkwardly talking across the room at each other is important.

  52. My mom taught me never to go through things alone. Whatever the problem/issue may be, it is always less scary when someone can help you. I am teaching my kids the same thing. It’s always nice to know you are not alone…and sometimes talking to someone else will make things a lot better.

  53. The best advice my mother gave me is to never get up. If you want something you work hard and keep trying until you achieve your goal!

  54. My Mom is FABULOUS when it comes to well, everything, but really her sense of style. She knows how to make any party or holiday feel festive through decorating. I have the fondest memories of how special each holiday was at our home. I’m not sure that she has given me any advice, but she has taught and inspired me simply by showing me. I heart her!!!
    Dinah recently posted…Just Add Ice Cream Repurposed Tic Tac Packs PrintableMy Profile

  55. The best advice my mom gave me was not to be afraid of color on the walls. Now I can’t stand white walls!

  56. My mother’s homes were always beautifully decorated…I mean, magazine-beautiful. Her best advice was that things don’t have to “match”…instead, you want interesting pieces to flow, to work together for an overall look/style. And you want your overall look/style to flow from room to room as well

  57. The best advice my mom gave me decor wise was to re-purpose and re-use things in different ways.
    I intentionally seek things out now I can do that with.

  58. Mom told me to pick out your solid color scheme you like best then co-ordinate it with patterns that you could mix and match to change up the look.

  59. Don’t talk to strangers??? IDK. I don’t remember my mom giving much “advice”. Thanks.

  60. My mom taught me that when it comes to decorating even the strangest things can be made into decoration. She once gave me a newspaper and cardboard told me that this is all she would give me to decorate my play room. I credit her for my craftiness I used it to make cardboard lettering covered in the neat looking parts of the newspapers.

  61. My mom always tells me that when decorating use bright colors. Her living room is a deep rich red. I love it! Also include lots of family photos! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  62. Don’t listen to people who tell you what to do. Listen to people who tell you stories about their experience and leave it up to you to decide what to do.

  63. My mom has given me so much amazing advice throughout the years but the one thing I really try and remember is to not over-examine/analyze too much when it’s the end of the day and I’m the most tired. Because things just always seem worse at night you know? Mornings always bring a fresh start and new perspective! :-)

  64. Decorating advice was always think comfortable not just pretty
    And in life Never settle for anything

  65. The best advice my mom gave me about keeping my tiny apartment looking nice–always make my bed! :)

  66. My mom would always tell me when I was lamenting my three small boys fighting all the time, that I shouldn’t sweat the small stuff. She would say they grow so fast, and that someday I would miss them being little. How right she was! They are grown now and I’d give anything to go back to those harried days.

  67. The best advice my mom gave me was to not worry about making a mess when you are being creative! I cringe when my kids and I are doing a project…but I try to just let them go and have fun with it! :)

  68. My mother told me that you can make it through anything if you take it one day at a time.

  69. My mom’s best decorating advice is to go with neutrals. You can always add pops of color later.

  70. My mother never had much interest in decorating – books were her passion and she would always choose reading over sewing new curtains or rearranging furniture. To that end, her best advice was “less is more”. She always said the more you had, the more you had to clean and dust. She was a minimalist long before it was en vogue!

  71. My mom always tells me not to judge. It’s a simple idea, but it’s hard to sometimes put this into practice. So being reminded is always nice.

  72. My mother has passed, and I remember her saying.. decorate to your heart desire. If you are happy with the results then use it.

  73. The best advise my mom every gave me about decorating was to ignore the magazines and the ‘rules. Just buy a few pieces you like and then decorate around them in a way that works for you.

  74. The best advice my mom ever gave me was to tell me that the housework can wait, to spend the time with the kids because they won’t be little for long.

  75. My mom always said, it doesn’t matter what people think, if you like it that’s perfectly acceptable! It’s your space!

  76. The best advice she gave me was to do what you like but do it timeless. Trends may be cute but they change!

  77. Decorating wise, my mom always taught me to only buy what I really love and not just settle for stuff because i want my home to look finished.

  78. Best and truthful advice my Mother gave me was “The truth will come out in the end” and she was SOOOO right!!

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  79. The best advice my mom ever gave me was not to judge others because you never know their full story.

  80. The best advice my mother ever gave me was to remember that my kids will only be little for a short time and to enjoy every minute. She was so right.

  81. That it’s perfectly fine to have a nice clean house filled with pretty things but it’s just as okay to have stained pillows and toys on the floor. It shows a house full of love. I hope my kiddos remember this one day when they have their own places. :)

  82. Best advice from my mother is probably to spend time on the things you find most important in life, and not worry about the little things.

  83. my moms best advice was love people no matter the color of their skin.
    something i proudly teach my dd.

  84. My mothers best advice was to FINISH SCHOOL! I cannot thank her enough for always pushing me to further my education!

  85. Treat people the way you would like to be treated. Also – if you don’t have something nice to say then don’t say anything at all.

  86. The best decorating advice my mom gave me is to only put things in my house that are useful or are beautiful to me.

  87. Mom’s best advice: Never judge anyone by their outward appearance- whether nice or shabby because it is what’s on the inside that matters.

  88. The best advice Mom gave to me was to treat other people the same as I would like to be treated. It always makes me think of how I would feel, if the shoe was on the other foot. She died on Mother’s Day a number of years ago. She was a great Mom!

  89. Of all the advice I received down through the years from my mother, I believe the most important was to always keep learning. She told me to never let a day pass without reading something and trying to broaden my mind.

  90. My mom always told me no matter what happens in life, “shake it off” and keep moving forward.

  91. The best advice my mother ever gave is a saying she has said to my siblings and I… “This too shall pass”… i have now passed that down to my daughter. My mom is a wonderful artist and she has such an eye for decorating. I just let her decorate my place and it always looks like a showroom when she is done!

  92. One of my mom’s best advice was to not take things personally. Just be the best person I can be and the rest is out of my control.

  93. General advice my mom gave me is to think of the good times coming up when you are nervous or just don’t want to do something NOW.

  94. My mom was always giving advice and some of it was serious and some fun. I remember one thing she always said was “The only thing out after midnight is the devil and bad luck.”

  95. My mother’s best advice was to always strive to be faithful and loving in every area of life.

  96. The advice my Mom gave to me was to not get furniture that I would get really upset about if the kids or pets messed it up. Teach them to respect their surroundings, but don’t be a fanatic about it.

  97. Some of the best advice my mother gave me was to always help others no matter how little you have to give. She also always told us to make a living doing something we enjoyed even if it wasn’t the highest paying career. She’d always say money isn’t everything you know.

  98. “Don’t ever let your little girls wear anything you wouldn’t want them to wear when they are 16”

  99. My Mom always said if you like it then go for it. Don’t be so uptight about decorations that you can’t enjoy your home.

  100. My mother passed away 6 years ago and was never a decorator but what she did put on her walls were things that were given to her in love and she loved it all.

  101. My mother always told me that happiness should come before money. It is very true. My family may not have a lot, but I have never been happier. We are wealthy in other ways.

  102. My mom has given me so much wonderful advice, I don’t think I have a favorite since it has all been helpful and encouraging. I think the most relevant piece of advice in my life right now has been to live for the moment and not to worry about the housework and small things, they can wait. I have two small children who are growing quickly and I am enjoying spending every moment with them!

  103. the best advice my mother has given me is to only keep those in your life who deserve to be there.

  104. My mother told me to “use what you have got” but now we call it recycling or repurposing. An old bureau can become a beauty station with a little paint and the addition of a mirror. If your pillows don’t match your new sofa, take an old dress with a color and pattern that does and make a new pillow case.

  105. I love the letter on the wreath! So cute!

    My mom always said, “Make your own sunshine.” I’ll admit that I used to roll my eyes at that, but now that I’m older and (hopefully) a bit wiser, I appreciate the advice. :D

  106. My mother always said less is more sometimes. but my granny also said more was better. My mother also always said go with a theme in your kitchen something like apples or grapes and granny said nick nacks are a must!

    [email protected]

  107. the best advice my mother has given me is to only keep those in your life who deserve to be there. i have taken that very much to heart.

  108. My mom and I are both kind of designed challenge, but she did tell me once that odd numbers are more aesthetically pleasing.

  109. Lots of great advice……one of the most memorable was when I was a kid and she told me to never wear pink and red at the same time.

  110. Sorry to say it, but my mom is a bit of a hoarder, and I probably wouldn’t emulate her “decorating techniques.” My grandma, however, is one crafty lady, and I hope to have a household full of beautiful (keyword) DIY decorations one day :)

  111. My mom wasn’t much of a decorator but she always said that the best pictures in your home are the ones of your kids

  112. My Mom always gave the advice that it is better to take your time and pick out a focal piece to decorate a room even if it is expensive instead to buying lots of things that look cluttered, thrown together and end up costing more.

  113. Her best idea was to always have fresh flowers for special events. It just adds that fresh, bright, homey touch to any gathering

  114. My Mom’s advice to me was “to have a friend, you have to be a friend”. In other words, treat your friends the way you want them to treat you. Be there for them and they’ll reciprocate. :)

  115. She always told me to have FUN with my style, If I make my house bright and fun.. I will feel happy everytime I look at everything I’ve created.

  116. My Mom’s advice was to choose several coordinating colors and use those for a room’s color palette. I have done this through my house and it really works well!

  117. Best Advice I ever got from my Mother was to not sweat the little things in life, there are so many times where I let little things bog me down, and then I realize they were really nothing! THanks for the fun giveaway

  118. The best decorating advice my mom gave me, or the thing I remember is to make one colors “main color” the accent color of the room next to it. So if the walls in one room are painted red maybe have red pillows in the next room especially if the rooms are next to each other.

  119. The best decorating advice that I received is to take measurements before you buy all of your furniture. That way you don’t end up with a couch or bed that takes up way too much space. Good advice.

  120. She always told me to never be afraid to add a boost of color..and to place “knickkacks in threes” on display.

  121. My mom has always told me that if I want to do something, do it 100% because if I do that I can’t not succeed.

  122. My mother’s best home decorating tip is to make a small room seem larger, place a decorative mirror on the wall so it reflects a window. It will provide the illusion of space

  123. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, set a 15 minute timer, clean any/everything you touch, and stop when the timer stops.